Thursday 18 September 2014

Am I good enough?

We live in a world of hypocrisy. A society where false expectations are set and those that fail to impress, are tossed to the curb and not given a second glance. A community where those that do not please the eye, are nothing. We as teenagers struggle to find our own element and so end up moving along with the crowd rather than taking our own route. At the moment, the 'cool kids' say being different is cool. But their idea of 'different' is basically acting on tumblr trends.  Although there are people out there that do mean from the bottom of their hearts that being your unique self is much better than being totally identical to half the teenagers in the world, it's hard for teenagers to actually listen and follow because face it. Those that please society seem to always be getting everything. You could be the most amazing person inside, but your quiet introverted personality doesn't let you shine, and although you like it that way, you feel like you will never know if that guy you have a teeny crush on returns the same feelings. You long for admiration and attention, but you don't want to get it by being another you. It's such a shame that society has come to the stage where you have to shine to even be noticed, so here's what i have to say to the girls out there, who long for affection and appreciation, but because they aren't pretty enough, artistic enough, dress nice enough, tall enough or even funny enough, feel like they will never get it:

~You are beautiful. Your imperfections are what make you the amazing person I know you are. Beneath that mask you wear, I see an amazing smile, a pure heart, and eyes longing for love. If your friends and those you admire fail to see your incomparable beauty..well, indeed are they fools because you can't judge a book by its cover honey. I mean we all do, but sometimes the most amazing covers, have crap content deep within. And the least appeasing cover, can carry one heck of a story that only the hero who actually chose this book from a shelf full of others, can receive the happy ending, For beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Stay strong my lovelies and remember.. You never know how close you are to living your happy ending x

Tuesday 16 September 2014

About Me

Heey x
I'm just your ordinary teenage girl and I basically started blogging because I need a space to just talk and I love giving people advice.
I love Pretty Little Liars, Baking, Art and so much more.
I watch quite a few youtubers and the one and only Zoella inspired me to start my own blog. I love how you can meet so many people just like you through blogs and youtube etc.
Basically I guess this blog is where i'll probably rant and all but I hope y'all don't mind :3
I guess I just want a space where I can have a say and speak out for once without being shut down.
I live in the lovely Auckland, New Zealand and i'm still in high-school haha.

~Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.
Charles Spurgeon